Hope Village for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

 Path To Africa chooses one main project on which to focus its resources, while assisting other local projects with advice and linking them with suitable volunteers and possible sources of funding. 

Path To Africa is currently supporting Hope Village for Orphaned & Vulnerable Children.

Hope Village is an orphanage at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, in the town of Moshi, Tanzania. It was founded in February 2011 by Ceccyliah Fadhili.  Ceccyliah was only a young woman herself however she had always felt it was her calling in life, to make an impact in this world and help children in need. Through her teenage and young adult years, she saved as much money as she could and then through contacts that she had, started looking for orphaned or vulnerable children that she could help. With so many vulnerable children in Tanzania, Ceccyliah was overwhelmed with requests to take in children.  

Hope Village Orphanage is only small. It started with five children - Juma, Shamimu, Jessica, Bonny & Anitha. Then in July 2013 was able to welcome two more children into the family – Junior and Bry. Ceccyliah was not ready to stop there. Throughout 2016 and 2017, Hope Village provided a loving home to Benson, after his life saving spinal surgery and until he moved to America to live with his sponsors.  

In July 2017 we had a new arrival, a young girl named Nalary, who had the same lifesaving spinal surgery as Benson. 

Hope is now a loving home for 8 children aged between 15-20 years old. Ceccyliah treats these children like they are her own and all the children have a great love for Ceccyliah and each other.  

All the Hope children began their lives in unbelievable circumstances. Some were orphaned at a very young age, left to be cared by elderly grandparents. Some were abandoned due to lack of money to care for them. Some had to beg and steal food to survive. They are now thriving, educated teenagers and we are extremely proud of them. 

Path To Africa is proud to have been supporting Hope Village since 2012. We are different to most organisations in Tanzania, who will only support the children until they turn 18 years of age. We have committed to supporting the Hope children until they finish their studies, however far they would like to go. In Tanzania, the difference between a secondary school education and a college or university degree, could mean the difference as to whether their own family in the future, can live outside the poverty which they were born into. 

The cycle of poverty can be broken through education and the Hope children understand this and appreciate all the support they receive.